Description of Insert Molding

Insert Molding is a technology that combines two different materials, integrated into the injection molding process. This molding technology can be further subdivided into hard plastic, structural plastic, multi-color molding, and metal. The embedded molding of parts/ceramic parts, in the previous methods, is a process using two or more different plastic materials. In Insert Molding, insert parts can be inserted during the injection molding process or inserted after molding. With the appropriate selection of two materials, different design methods can depend on the physical structure. The method or the combination method based on the chemical additives of the materials allows their different objects to be firmly combined with each other, without the need to use adhesives in the post-processing process to combine the two materials.

Insert Molding process with hard material plastic.

  • In the process of wrapping hard material plastic, the concept that the physical strength of hard material plastic is higher than that of slightly soft plastic is used. The hard plastic is regarded as the main strength of the core layer and is embedded in it, while the outer layer is made of softer plastic. The material can effectively improve the feel of use or improve the anti-slip function.

Insert Molding process of structural plastic

  • The application of structural plastic is to use the same material to mold the structure of the relevant product separately, and then use Insert Molding to effectively reduce the shrinkage in the appearance of the product caused by the difference in thickness of the structural reinforcement. This only requires a good combination design to achieve the original strength effect.

Insert Molding process of multi-color plastic.

  • Sometimes on multi-color products, due to the design concept, to effectively combine the two-color or more color areas and avoid the need for seam holes or air tightness, a multi-color plastic combination method is used, which can This allows objects of two colors to be flat and combined on the same product.


Insert Molding process of metal parts or ceramic parts.

The Insert molding of another kind of metal parts or ceramic parts is based on their different needs, such as conductivity, energization function, electromagnetic wave prevention, high-strength wear resistance, high-strength locking function, and high-frequency locking. Functions of tightening and loosening, enhancement of structural strength, improvement of structural tensile or compression resistance, deformation resistance, etc. Depending on different needs, the above-mentioned non-plastic parts will be embedded in plastic products. Among them, during the insert molding process, plastics can be firmly combined and integrated. Common materials used for Insert Molding include ceramic parts, steel parts, iron parts, copper parts, stainless steel parts and other different metals. The plastic injection process can withstand the high-temperature materials used in the process.

Application of Insert Molding

The application of embedded plastic, the application of hard plastic is common in chairs or boxes, which have the tactile feel of the surface and the strength requirements of the bottom. Other Insert Molding of plastic that the same materials are common in general daily necessities such as business machines and electronic products. They have a beautiful and smooth appearance, but there are various locking structures or mechanisms inside, which is this type of application field. Insert Molding is a special injection molding process. Common applications include: parts that require threaded holes, wheel bearings or bushings, electronic cable sockets or connectors, fan bearings, metal blades, reinforcements for thin parts, etc.

Advantages of Insert Molding:

  • Reduce process: Insert molded parts can be made in one go without having to assemble them manually afterwards.
  • Cost down: The cost of insert molding is higher than that of standard injection molding, which is usually offset by the reduction in secondary processing, post-assembly and packaging materials for each part, thus reducing costs.
  • Reduce part size and weight: Plastic parts with metal inserts are usually lighter than all-metal parts.
  • Improve reliability: Metal inserts can ensure high-strength functions and use, such as thread functions, and can also reduce wear and tear on parts during use, greatly increasing service life and cycle time.
  • Improved part strength: Because it is a "one-shot" process, it can produce stronger parts than other processes.

Customized services

Yeh Her Yow Plastic Company provides related customized services. From a professional perspective, based on customer needs, we provide the most suitable products in terms of product insert strength, material selection, structural design, reinforcement design, insert design, bonding strength design, etc. solutions, and can provide complete services from pre-production process, manufacturing and production to packaging and shipping.

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